What is a PTC site?

     A PTC mean pay to click site is a website which allows its members to earn money by clicking advertisement links displayed in the site and viewing the ads for few seconds. To earn money you need to become a member by Signing Up into the site.

How does a PTC site work?

     A PTC site will get money by advertising other websites in it. And the PTC site will give some money to its members if they view this advertisement. To understand this clearly, suppose Mr. A created a website and he wants others to know about his site and to visit it. He approaches a PTC site to advertise his website for some money. Now the PTC site will show a link of Mr. A’s website in it. A member of PTC site can click this advertisement. Upon viewing the advertisement the member will get a certain amount of money.

Can I have more than one account in a PTC site?

     No, you can have only one account in a particular PTC site. Creating more than one account may lead to your account termination. You can join more PTC sites to earn more money.
you clicked the Advertisement but it shows “You can only visit one site at a time” and “You must click the correct button after the timer runs out”

What is the meaning of this?

     PTC site will show you some ads. After clicking one ads you need to wait for some time to credit the amount. Usually the site will show a countdown timer or progress bar on top, which means you need to wait that much time. Within that time you cannot click on other ads. That is what they meant by "You can only visit one site at a time".
After the countdown timer reaches zero, the site will show a number or an English letter, on the top. Towards the right side of this number/letter there will be a set of numbers/letters. From this set you need to click on the correct number/letter.
If the below message is shown after the time reaches zero, click on 's' which is the first one in the set of s,z,a,e.

What is a CAPTCHA?

     A CAPTCHA is a type of challenge-response test used in computing as an attempt to ensure that the response is generated by a person.

How much money I will get by clicking an advertisement?

     It varies with different PTC sites. Usually they give money in the range of $0.01 - $0.0001 for an advertisement. Read the TOS of PTC site for the exact amount.
You can click a certain number of ads according to your membership category. You can click these ads once in 24 hours.

Can I earn hundreds of dollar in two weeks as the site says?

     It is not that easy as they say. Normally you need to spend 10-15 minutes every day on a site for 2-3 months to get at least $5-$10 dollars. Don’t believe the sites blindly. You have the numbers. Use your math.
However you can increase your earning by joining multiple sites and referring others.

How can I get the money which I earned from the PTC site?

     When you reach the minimum Cashout you can request for the payment. The PTC site will credit your amount via your preferred payment method by Payza and Paypal Ect.

What is mean by minimum Cashout?

     Minimum Cashout is the amount of money that you need to accumulate in your account to request for a payment. Any amount less than this cannot be transferred to your payment account. Each site will have different Minimum Cashout and some sites will increase the Minimum Cashout after first payment. These details will be specified in the TOS/FAQ of the PTC site.

What are Paypal and Payza?

     Paypal and Payza are Online Banking methods. you need to have Paypal and Payza account to registration on PTC sites. you must read FAQ before joining the site Read the site to know which payment method they are using.

What is referral and referral earning?

     You can refer people to PTC sites using your referral link. When the person you referred clicks on some ads in PTC site, you will get a small amount of money as a reward.

What is the different between direct and rented referrals?

There are two types of referrals:
Direct Referrals: These users registered using your username as their referrer. you can get direct referral by refer other people by using email, facebook, twitter, making blog and other social media.
Rented Referrals: These users registered without a referrer. You can rent them.If a person joins the site using your referral ID. To rent referrals you need to pay some money to the site.

How can I trust a PTC site?

     You first need to join before. Are you sure this site legal and FAQ show this payment proof? But there some site which are trusted and paying. Some of them are listed in this blog as Top 10 PTC Site. If you want to try some other sites which are not in this list perhaps it scam sites.

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